Sandra Broman's one-of-a-kind Daylesford designs for Daylesford Trading Co

Sandra Broman, local artist, designs a unique Daylesford range for Daylesford Trading Co

Daylesford is known for its thriving arts community and local talent, and one of its most beloved and award-winning artists is Sandra Broman, who goes by the Instagram handle @yoursistergeorge.

We're thrilled to feature her range of eclectic and imaginative creations in our Daylesford shop. 

With her unique artistic style and creative flair, Broman has captured the hearts of art enthusiasts in Daylesford and beyond. She was born and raised in Sweden, she has a studio gallery where she writes, paints, and creates various forms of art.

Daylesford Cards
Sandra has created a series of beautiful Daylesford cards exclusively for Daylesford Trading Co. Take a look at some of the magical moments and attractions of Daylesford she has captured. 


Daylesford Posters
Broman has handcrafted poster featuring all of Daylesford's streets, trails and key tourist attractions. This unique piece is a delightful memento.

Daylesford Books
Don't miss the opportunity to read some of her stunning fiction and illustrated books. 

Better Latte than Never - paperback
Nuns, Daylesford, coffee and a mystery? What's not to love here, right? Set in Daylesford ex-nuns Audrey and Jill are new in town, leaving convent life, they are coming to live with Audrey’s cantankerous old Aunt Inez. The plot twists when a new friend is accused of murder they have to step in a with some unorthodox detective methods.

Built like a Woman - paperback
Think inspiring, and practical guide to DIY. While it's specifically written for women, it's sure to be enjoyed by everyone. Includes advice on how to get a renovation started, select materials, budget, health and safety. Perfect for the novice and those who want to broaden their skills.

With fun retro illustrations by Richard Baxter, Built Like a Woman will give you the confidence to plug in a power tool and make your dream DIY house a reality.

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